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Driver accountability and reliability is crucial for any construction company. REACI has GPS tracking installed in employee used pickup truck as well as the dump trucks in the fleet. We also own and readily use a tack truck, jet vac truck, and water truck on various jobs.
Tack, Jet Vac and Water Trucks

Excavation, Grading and Clearing & Grubbing
When preparing a property parcel for construction, REACI clears unwanted trees, brush, debris and removes undesirable material from the site. Our excavation team then digs and shapes basins and swales to establish the basic contour of the project. Our top notch grading team then cuts and levels roadways, building pads, and parking lots for the initial phasing of the job.
Underground Utilities
Water, Storm, Sewer, Force Main and Lift Stations
Setting in place all the underground utilities allows for the infrastructure and future operation of the project to mesh. REACI's teams trench and install pipe and conduit for the safe and reliable flow of water, storm drainage, sewer service and force main, while our sewer teams set lift stations. We make sure to follow and reside by all safety guidelines while at the same time follow performing activities in the most time efficient manner.
Roadway Construction
FDOT Certified, Asphalt, Paving, Concrete, Curb and Sidewalk
The finishing touches of any project include asphalt and concrete paving which prepares the job site for the flow of people. Concrete sidewalks provide avenues for pedestrians, while curbing manages the flow of storm water to proper drainage. The asphalt or concrete paving, road signage, and traffic striping set the stage for vehicular traffic for both residential and commercial use.
R. E. Arnold Construction, Inc. is an FDOT certified contractor.

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